Level Up Power Fitness Center
Established in 2022, Level Up Power Fitness Center is promoting health, fitness and building a community in Southern Lewis County! Located in the heart of Lyons Falls, Level Up Power Fitness Center offers monthly meberships, personal training and a variety of fitness classes. Level Up is passionate about providing a safe, healthy space and giving back to the community!
Owner: Roger Williams
Company Name: Level Up Power Fitness Center
Year Established: 2022
About the Owner:
"I was born and raised in South America (Georgetown, Guyana). My family moved to Brooklyn, NY when I was young, then to the Bronx when I was 16. My first job out of high-school was certified building maintenance on high rises in New York City. Then, I found a job doing billboards in Manhattan. At 22, I bought my first house in Long Island.
Eventually, my wife's family's was looking to relocate and pulled out a map, my father-in-law said "Wherever my finger lands is where we are moving..." In 2000, my wife's family moved to Lyons Falls, NY and shortly after, in 2004 my family followed. I worked in Telecommunications for 14 years, before taking the leap to open Level Up Power Fitness Center.
My passion for health and fitness began when I was young; I started lifting weights at 13 and quickly became competitive, winning competitions for bench press, deadlift and squats by 19. "Speedy" was my nickname. I learned Tae Kwon Do when I first moved up here, carrying my passion with me. During this time, I had to travel to Watertown for training because it wasn't offered here; I decided it was job to create those opportunities in Lewis County."

Describe your start-up story & what makes your business unique.
"Level Up Power Fitness has been several years in the making. In December of 2019, I was let go from my company due to corporate downsizing. As I was ready to open my doors in early 2020, the pandemic and personal reasons combined to shutter my business, and other health and fitness centers. Through this, however, I was able to develop more new plans for my business to be ready when we opened. My overall goal is to build a healthy and fit community through a safe, inclusive, family-friendly space. I use my 30 years of fitness experience to go above and beyond when designing programs, which include specal offerings for different fitness levels, children and adults with mental health struggles, domestic violence survivors, and children with Autism."
Why did you choose to do business in Lewis County? What are the advantages and/or opportunities of doing business here?
"There is nothing like Level Up Power Fitness in Lewis County. This gym offers different opportunities than other area gyms, and provides Lyons Falls with access to fitness opportunities. In addition to my business, I appreciate community and strive to give back when I can through different fudraisers, like blood drives and can drives."
What advice would you give to someone doing business in Lewis County?
"Make sure you do your homework before you decide to start a business. Research the area and make sure it can work!"
What are some of the current projects you are working on and what are you looking forward to in 2022?
"In the first year, I'm still learning and brainstorming how to make Level Up Power Fitness the best it can be for the community. Level Up offers 24/7, 365 Day access for members through a new key fob system we recently installed - members have access to all fitness equipment including treadmills, ellipticals, bikes, strength equipment and free weights for one monthly fee. We also have unique amentities like lockers, showers, crossfit equipment, a rock wall and we even have a "Kids Zone" play area fro parents so they can bring their kids with them to the gym.
Now, I'm looking to continue to build the services I can offer by obtaining additional equipment and providing events for the community."