Arborcare Tree Service provides year-round service for residential and commercial properties as the leading tree service professionals in Northern New York! Offering tree services, plant healthcare programs, animals rescue services, and crane-assisted removals, Arborcare Tree Service has built a successful business in Lewis County!
Owner: Herb Frost
Company Name: Arborcare Tree Service
Year Established: 2016
Number of Employees: 5
About the Owner:
"I grew up in the town of Harrisville on the border of Lewis County and Saint Lawrence County. After school I entered the workforce as a line clearance tree trimmer- a job that I became very passionate about and realized it was my calling. I worked in the field

for the better part of 14 years. During this time I honed my skill set and learned professionalism from some of the best in the business. I married my wife in 2015 and started a family. My daughter was born in 2016 and even though I loved what I did for work, being on the road and away became cumbersome."
Describe your start-up story:
"After my daughter was born a friend and I started Arborcare. We ran it just on the side for some extra income. After running it on the side for almost a full year and a few failed attempts at switching jobs to be more local for me, I decided I was willing to explore the option of taking Arborcare full time. I met with the SBDC and met with the Naturally Lewis team. They helped me develop a business plan and some other things that I would need to get up and running. In the beginning of March 2017 Arborcare
became a full time business ready to serve the North Country! Eager to work hard and provide the very best tree care we could to the North Country we were determined to succeed. In 2018 we dissolved the partnership and I became the sole owner of Arborcare."
Why did you choose to do business in Lewis County? What are the advantages and/or opportunities of doing business here?
"The decision to choose Lewis County was easy for me, it's home. Lewis County and its warm, friendly atmosphere makes it the perfect place to start a business. Help is around every corner and the community is super supportive. The Naturally Lewis team had a lot to do with the early successes of Arborcare. They helped with networking, financing, and overall building confidence in what I was doing."
What advice would you give to someone starting a business in Lewis County?
"Work hard towards your dream. You will face challenges, sometimes many at a time, but remember through struggle you can create great strength. Don't forget all of the resources that are here to help you in Lewis County. People here are always willing to help.

What are some of the current projects you are working on and what are you looking forward to in 2022?
"We will continue to serve the North Country and provide the highest quality tree care we can. We will continue to set the tone for professionalism and safety in our industry. We are currently expanding into a larger service area. We will continue to create an inclusive work environment to grow professionals. Arborcare will continue championing proper tree care with our Certified Arborists to Lewis and surrounding counties."
Are there any local partnerships or organizations that have helped you along in your business journey?
"Naturally Lewis had a lot to do with our startup. If anyone is curious or eager to start a business I would definitely encourage them to start there. There are many local businesses and other organizations that have helped us along our journey. Arborcare wouldn't be where it is without any of them. We have built good strong business relationships and also some great friendships. I am very grateful for the community that is Lewis County and surrounding areas, for without their help the journey would have been tougher."